Farm Fresh Supplies
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Farm Fresh Supplies
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When you purchase your farm fresh products, you are supporting local farmers and your local economy. Buying food from your local farms allows the farmer to continue to practice sustainable agriculture and to practice their craft. You can also expect to get healthier food if you buy it from a local farmer because they are more likely to use natural fertilizers and pesticides.
Free range eggs
If you enjoy eggs, there’s a good chance you like them because they’re full of nutrients. Eggshells contain lignin and silica, which are both important for maintaining the strength and flexibility of the shell. Lignin also helps protect the egg’s yolk from bacteria, which may be one of the reasons why eggshells have been shown to have anti-bacterial properties. And because they have a high sulfur content, eggs contribute to healthy skin and nails, too.
Local honey
Saving the bees and other pollinators is important, and there are a number of ways to help. Planting flowers and plants that attract pollinators can be one way to help. Another way to help is to offer up a jar of your local honey. It’s amazing how much flavor a jar of local honey can add to your morning coffee!
Organic produce
Probably one of the biggest misconceptions about organic farming is that it requires a new way of thinking. You may have grown up with the idea that food grows in the ground and that’s it. But the truth is, a farmer needs to know a lot more about his or her crops than just where they’re planted. A holistic approach to growing food includes understanding and caring for the soil in which your food grows, for the plants and the animals that provide nutrients, for water conservation and more.
Grains that are milled locally
With many farms located right in your area, you can easily support your local farmers by buying your flour, cornmeal, and other ingredients from your neighbors. These products are picked within a few days of being harvested, and as a result, they’re much fresher than items purchased from larger stores.
Fresh herbs
Growing your own herbs gives you control over what goes into your food, and allows you to season dishes with herbs you can find in your own yard. Growing herbs doesn’t take up a whole lot of space, but it can be a little more time-consuming than growing other plants. Instead of planting herbs in pots, you can grow them in an herb garden. Growing herbs in pots is also a good option for apartment dwellers.
Produce grown locally
Whether you grow your own food or buy it at the local farmer’s market, you can eliminate the need to use pesticides. Growing your own food gives you complete control over what goes into your body, so you can be sure you’re not consuming any harmful chemicals that were not tested for safety. Additionally, when you grow your own vegetables, you can choose varieties that are best suited to your area.
Freezing food
Growing your own food is even more important during the winter as farmers’ markets and grocery stores can be less available. To help you fill your pantry shelves and free up some space in the freezer, try growing your own food. This is especially helpful since many crops are best when they’re grown during the spring. Growing your own food helps to save money and eat healthier, so you have more control over what you’re putting in your body. And, if you’re new to gardening, it’s much easier to start a garden than it is to take on a full freezer full of food.
Depending on where you live, you might have access to a CSA or a community garden. A CSA is a membership-based local farm that allows you to purchase shares of their weekly produce at a discounted price. Although not all farms accept new members, you can check with your local community to find out if there is a CSA near you. If you’re interested in growing your own food, a community garden allows you to cultivate a plot of your own.
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